About Us

GIPC is Asia's premier event for in-house IP counsels, innovators, and IP attorneys from around the world. With a humble beginning in 2009, when just 60 individuals gathered in a single room, GIPC has evolved into a prestigious platform that has attracted over 5000 delegates and renowned speakers from reputable international IP organizations. Over the past 15 years, GIPC has firmly established itself as a leading destination in India for the IP community, providing unparalleled opportunities for learning, networking, and collaboration. Our convention serves as a melting pot of ideas, where like-minded professionals converge to discuss best practices, share insights, and explore solutions for maximizing the value of innovation and intellectual property assets.

At GIPC, we believe that intellectual property is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity in today's knowledge-driven economy. Therefore, our mission is to create an inclusive and dynamic environment that encourages dialogue and collaboration among experts from diverse backgrounds. The convention has brought together in-house IP counsels, innovators, and IP attorneys from over 50 countries to facilitate cross-cultural exchange and foster a global perspective on innovation and IP.

We invite you to join us in this inspiring journey of knowledge exchange, collaboration, and empowerment. Together, we can continue to foster global cooperation, promote innovation, and unlock the immense potential of intellectual property. Browse through our website to explore past events, learn more about our esteemed speakers, and browse through our gallery to catch a glimpse of the enriching experiences that await you at GIPC.









